We weren't quite back yet on Monday, the kids still had oooonnnneeee more day of holiday break. I hit the gym (since I was waitlisted for tennis) while whipping them into getting prepped for school on Tuesday. We took down the Christmas decorations. Abby got braces! She was in pain the first few days, but has adjusted now. Voss and Phil went to boy scouts, early bedtime for all! Tuesday was rough but everyone made it to school. Tennis was canceled due to cold weather. I did a barre and pilates class then met friends at a new bookstore for discussion on the 2025 Page Turner Challenge. I am waiting for the hype to die down a bit and start in a few more weeks maybe. We had a fire, burning pieces of the Christmas tree and did some DEAR time and sisters in dance. It was definitely cold all week. Que the seat warmer and blankets in the minivan! I drove the middle school carpool this week. I got to sub in for B on Wednesday and play at home with Anna, then a fun match with Sally, Maureen and Anna. Rachael, Katie and I met at Bellweather for our first show of the year, Mama Mia. It was so nice to have a fun thing in the middle of the week with this dark, cold. Tracy was able to join us for the show after running kids. Having the time of our lives dancing with ABBA. Thursday I went to daily mass in honor of my dad, dedicated by my MomCo group. I ran some errands then went for a cold run with Spot. I actually burnt my hip from the heating pad. We had a MomCo leadership meeting that night at Anne's to plan for the next semester. Friday morning, I met Jess for a walk to catch up on her life amidst the days of grief. I'm proud to know such a strong woman. I met Rachael and her mom for a WJCT lunch & learn. Fun to be with them but the speaker was a salesy chiropractor, not a discussion on stem cells like I thought we were doing. Marly and Ellie babysat, Abby and Voss went to sleepovers. Phil and I met my brother and sister at Tara's for happy hour (really SQ and I drinking soda water). We went to TCC for dinner after and met up with the Freemans and Cochrans then Matt and Tara came later. Fun night! Saturday morning, Ellie and I headed out to dance class. SQ and I went on a walk run. Later, SQ, Matt and I went to Mrs. Jannsson's funeral. It was a sweet service celebrating her life complete with awesome stories from her 3 children about what an awesome mother she was; the original free range parent. The wild brothers growing up in the farms, wrestling their mother in the yard and our old babysitters telling us stories about watching all of us. We left with smiles and warm hearts. That evening, Ellie and Marly went to a 16th Birthday. Abby and Voss had their first babysitting gig together. My siblings and I went out with the Strassers for pizza and live music. SQ, Jenny and I found a new coffee shop with great hot tea. This morning we went to mass and CCD. Now Ellie is at another friend's 16th tea party. Voss is at a friend's house. The middles are at Target with Phil. Marly has confirmation class this afternoon, family soccer and youth group. Here are the pics of the week.
Monday morning we tried to get a little something done. Phil went to work. I went to a HIIT class. Then we packed up and headed up to Jekyll Island to camp with friends and bring in the new year. We were the first in our group to arrive up there and get settled in. The gnats were awful at first but then it got cooler and they went away. We had great friends who brought all the camp gear and set up fires (Taylor with his axe!), JoHo trailered all of our bikes and we just sorta showed up and enjoyed it. It was a great way to bring in the new year! The weather was perfect. We did cheat the 2nd night and got a hotel room. On new years day, we took a polar plunge in the Atlantic then warmed up in the hot tub before heading back to town. I tried to make a pork roast but I didn't get it started early enough so we just had collards and black eyed peas to bring luck and prosperity in the new year. Abby babysat for the Kochs, Voss had Miles over to play. Ellie disappeared with Addison for at least a day. We met Matt, Tara and P down in St. Augustine for the Night of Lights. It was still very crowded despite it being a weekday after new years but I'm still glad we went. Phil scored a place right by the main park with no wait and live music. It was so cold but Kilwin's hot chocolate hit the spot! On Friday I was very busy with a Nutcracker PR recap meeting, adoration, run to the post office and then a steroid injection. It actually made my hip feel worse for a few days. The verdict is still out. I visited my pal, Tracy. Phil and I had a movie night in, watching The Town and eating General Tso's chicken. Ellie had her first dance class of the season back in Fruitcove on Saturday morning. We did a family movie day and saw Moana 2 that afternoon. I went to my friend, Cheryl's "We survived the holidays" party. Dryanuary is in full swing, boring as ever. Sunday we got up and went to 8:30 mass. It was not easy and we were late. Gone are our days of sleeping in! We celebrated the Epiphany and reflected on all the wonderful gifts we've received. We met SQ and the boys at the Timuquan Nature Preserve and got junior ranger badges and hiked to Ft. Caroline. Then, we picked up lunch and met Matt at the Hicks' for some cousin time. We played family soccer that afternoon then I took Ellie to a friend's 16th Birthday party on the Southside. Me sitting in my car in a parking lot listening to The Reading List and updating family videos. We have so much to be thankful for walking into 2025; I just hope we can figure out a way to come together in our country in the next month. Here are the photos from the last week.
Monday I got up and went to HIIT class, trying to keep up some sort of routine. The kids were all too happy to veg. Marly went to work with Phil and then to her besties for a sleepover at the beach. I did some last minute shopping, card deliveries and settling my Nutcracker week dance apparel debts. Ellie and I snuggled and watched Christmas Sail. My sister, SQ hosted us for family dinner that night, her famous beef stroganoff. Christmas Eve I went to a barre class then WD, lots of people also doing last minute grocery runs. Phil and Ellie test drove some cars! We went to Uncle Matt's for burgers and ultimate frisbee. It was a new normal not having parents down the street for Christmas. At one point, I almost broke down at their house but then Matt told me to drink a beer, we grilled and then sweated it out in the front yard playing frisbee. It was good. We exchanged family gifts that afternoon. Coupons are always my favorite: no fighting, ubering (starting in April from Ellie!) NYC was our gift, but I did get them little keepsakes to remember our trip. Sweet to see them gifting to each other. The Nixons hosted a Christmas Eve open house, complete with reindeer games for the kids. I loved catching up with my pal, Katie who has been living in Spain all semester. Santa did make an appearance bringing the kids some of their favorites. 7am was still an early morning. We took it easy eating cinnamon rolls and sausages. We all served at 10:30am mass. It was not at all crowded and I loved singing all the carols. We were all antsy and crabby on Christmas day until Aunt Suzanne came over to share our surf & turf lunch. We snuggled and watched Christmas on the Ranch (and maybe snoozed through a bit of it). SQ went back to work. We went to Sunny's Hanukkah party. Matt came over later for a nightcap, our new neighbor. It's true what they say about the days after Christmas kina slushing by. I'm not quite sure what I did. I went for a run. Abby babysat the Kochs. I checked the kids grades and flipped out on 3/4 of them. We spent the day at the Ritz Carlton; lunch and walking on the beach. We met the Stuckey's for pizza then Keith, Chris and Taylor met us at the Bier Hall. Making the most of the last month before Dryanuary. We had a late night with the Stuckey's at Mellow (pizza to pizza). Friday, Kerri and I played tennis with Bunny and Lucretia (and beat them!). Phil and I got massages. We had martinis with the Hogans at TCC and ended up at Lillians. Saturday Ellie had friends over. We did a sibling night out margarita crawl ending at Lillians again. Sunday we slept in, played family soccer then went to mass for the feast of the holy family. The kids went home to pack. Phil and I met the Strassers for the last night out on the town at TCC. Wine in the living room, yes please. Here are the pics of the week.
It's one of those times when I look back on the week and wonder how I got all the things done. Amazed with myself. Monday started easy with sipping my coffee watching all the kids leave for school then tennis clinic then WD. I spent the afternoon listening to Christmas music and writing Christmas cards. I picked up Ellie from the library bus stop and scored an awesome pair of book socks for my swap gift. Kathleen and Sunny hosted a wonderful book club complete with a charcuterie uterus. We read the New Menopause and there were so many great conversations. I could have stayed all night but thinking we had a tennis match in the morning, I dipped. Turns out the courts were so wet from the night before the match was canceled. I was wondering how I would have had time to play anyway. I did a barre class and more card writing instead. The girls had gift swaps at dance and friends and all. the. teachers. At one point, I stayed up until midnight embroidering and then woke back up to do a few more before school in the morning. Whew! Wednesday was early release. I was at the middle school early for the general PTSA meeting, helped get the teacher cookie swap underway then went to high school for the Blue Ribbon celebration. Ellie and I did a thrifting run that afternoon then hosted my mom, brother and gf for steak and Caesar salad. Thursday I got up early and whipped up a chili then headed to high school for the teacher holiday luncheon soup swap, an all day affair. It made it all worth it when one of Ellie's teachers gushed about his embroidered handkerchiefs in the soup line. I made it to the Y2K Christmas MomCo party rocking my Britney Spears era. Friday was STEM day in the morning and class holiday parties in the afternoon for Voss. QT with him for sure. And then we had the neighborhood progressive party that evening; a perfect night for the luminaries. I hosted a taco bar with Grincharitas. Saturday morning Abby and I took Spot for a run (working on her speed for track try outs) then the girls and I went to Steph's mother daughter gingerbread party. After Voss had a super soccer sleepover with Chris, Phil took him golfing, really golf cart riding with the Strasser guys. We worked on drinking water between our wine with the ladies to prepare for the marathon partying ahead. Ellie and Marly went separate ways babysitting. Phil and I ubered with the Strassers to the Harmon's epic Viva Las Vegas Christmas party. We were met by Elvis and Flaminco dancers at the door! My body was sore from dancing, kudos to Sunny for outfitting me in style. Saved by the Strassers calling our uber home, it was SO MUCH FUN! Sunday morning the partying continued with Angela's My Favorite Things party. Of course Peter Attia was my gift. I came home with bracelets, lotions and lip gloss. Family soccer to work it all out. Addison joined us for the Sacred Heart Penance service and the 4th week of advent mass. Chipotle for dinner and then I truly crashed. What a week! Here are the pics.
We started the week with an early morning mass for the Immaculate Conception. I let the kids get a treat then I took them all to school. It made for a very productive day. I went to flag raising with Voss then tennis clinic. I did a quick WD run then headed downtown for the last part of load in at the theatre. The hard part was done that morning but I helped inventory merchandise to sell in the Nutcracker boutique. I don't really know my job description as VP of external affairs, so this is my year of figuring it all out. Tuesday I drove out to the beach again for tennis, after taking the kids to school. I didn't run over metal this time thankfully. I did lose again. Maureen and I won the first set 6-2, then lost the second 0-6 then the third 2-6. So frustrating! We couldn't figure it out. I miss the coaching on Tuesdays! I barely had enough time to shower and change then picked Marly up early to tour a high school. She liked it and is going to audition for dance. So, we'll see! She and I headed to the theatre for the Act I tech rehearsal. I shadowed Ali and did some ticketing things for sponsors and artistic directors. Then, Ali and I drove to the airport to pick up the sugar plum fairy and cavalier. I got back in time to watch Marly rehearse. We had just enough time to pick up CFA before it closed. Wednesday, I had a relaxing morning with HIIT and writing Christmas cards. I did a Walmart run then all the kids came home. I took the girls to Act II tech rehearsal. This time McDs on the way home, too late for CFA, Thankful for my neighbor who took Voss to trombone practice and out to dinner. Thursday, Ellie got to skip school. She had a school show in the morning. Twelve hundred kids, a great first show! We came home for a few hours then back for the Community Service night. I was stressing about a charity not picking up their tickets. Not quite the numbers I was hoping for but it still looked good. Ellie and I went to dinner with the principal dancers and artistic directors that night for a delicious Bb's dinner. Friday, all the girls got to skip for two more shows. The school show was a smaller group. We came after the first show and I went to adoration. A perfect spot of silence in the midst of a busy week...and St. Lucy's feast day! That night was opening night and Santa's 100th show. The Kukla family and my mom came in that evening. We popped in to welcome them after the show. Saturday morning, Voss and I picked up the Kukla kids for some play time before the matinee. Then, back up to the theatre for the last round of shows. The girls had a whole fan club of people for the matinee and it looks like a floral shop in our house now (which is so nice). They had the cast party after the matinee. The rest of us went to Mellow for a bite then I went back up to the theatre for Ellie's last show. The middle girls came home for a break and time with the Kuklas. I got to be the ticket fairy and give the unused hold tickets to people sitting high up in the back. My sister brought the middles back to the theatre for the patron party. At this point, we were all wiped out. It was a fun party, still. We TikToked and Ellie had a brave convo with an artistic director. We slept in and went to CCD and 10:30 mass. All the kids locked in to get school work done. Phil and I went on a last minute date to the Jags game. Since they are so horrible this year, it was easy and cheap. We allllmost won, cardiac cats! We did a family rosary (minus Ellie who went to sleep early scoring her 12 hrs!) then bedtime. Phil and I went to the Brick and Casbah (live jazz music) with the Strassers. A little rose to kick off the pink week! Here are the pics of the week.
We thankfully made it home and to bed late so Tuesday morning came early and we brought that NY cold with us. I headed to the beach for a tennis match (running over some kind of metal plate on my way...I'm so grateful it held until after my match and I could make it back to the westside- after a stop at a tire place at the beach- to get it patched up on the house). Kerri and I lost in the third set 7-5. We almost had it! I ended up doing a late run to the grocery store after dropping off the girls at the Angels for Allison open house. Beef stroganoff for dinner- yum! Wednesday I hosted my Women Supporting Women brunch, an annual affair bringing amazing women together during the crazy holiday time to just relax, connect and support each other. A bit of dance, trombone and walking with friends and then Phil and I went to the TCC Open House. Fun conversations and catching up with old friends brought us to Lillians past closing time driving the Lobster King home with a bloody face. Thursday was my 45th Birthday! I woke up, sipping coffee in the living room while everyone ran everywhere then got a massage by my most amazing, doula, Sherry. She upgraded to hot stones and a chocolate face mask. She's the best! I went to MOPS to hold babies and make a craft then left early to go to my party. Steph hosted a gorgeous lunch with fabulous women. We sat at a long table on the river and everyone told me how wonderful I am. A total love fest. My heart grew ten sizes. I could have sat at the table with them all weekend. I had to pick Ellie up from school, do a dance drop off then headed downtown for opening night of the artist series. Rachael, Tracy, Katie and I had tasty cocktails and dinner at Bellweather then went to the performing arts center to see Ain't Too Proud- The Life and Times of the Temptations. We were dancing along to all the hits of my childhood...make me think of Aunt Susan. It was a great day to be alive! Friday morning I headed downtown to be in the background (and orchestrate a TikTok) of the Nutcracker main performers on Channel 4. I went to adoration and mediated on how grateful I am for all I have; A luxurious hour of silence. I spent the rest of the day getting the house back together, laundry, cleaning up from my party, unpacking, oh my. I tried to put up outside Christmas decorations but got depressed because our upstairs windows have all been sealed shut so no wreaths up top. No such thing as smart tea lights with an app. So we look a little Grinchy. I'm thankful for all the poinsettias out there. We dropped all the kids off at Christmas in Avondale then headed to Epping for Phil's bank party. I'm so proud of all they've accomplished. It was a fun night that went late. We slept in on Saturday and had breakfast with Santa at TCC. It used to be such a stressful event but this time I found myself sitting in the living room just watching the chaos. Ellie went to her last Nutcracker rehearsal of the season. Marly went to grand finale rehearsal. I finally started my online Christmas shopping. I picked up my friend, Emma for the high school PTA party. I was bummed to leave early but we met out husbands on the rooftop of Gemma for oysters. This morning we went to mass and CCD, breakfast at TCC then had a relaxing afternoon. Voss went to a soccer skills clinic. Abby and Marly went to Target. Ellie did homework all day. Marly had Confirmation class. Sushi for dinner and family movie night. Here are the pics of the week.
Monday I ran around like a nut. I subbed in for the B team (skipping my C clinic) and then Diane and I lost on line 6. Ugh. It stung and was humbling. I spent the afternoon packing up and getting organized. Tuesday I spent the morning volunteering at Ellie’s school for the teacher dessert buffet. Now that I have one under my belt I can run it better next time. Then, I picked up kids from school early, Phil ordered a Lyft and we headed to the airport. We surprised the kids for an early Christmas gift (and Birthday gift for me) and spent the week in NYC! We got in and settled at the hotel by 7 and went around the corner for pizza. Early bedtime then up at 5:15 to walk to studio 1A to see the Today Show. We didn’t make it on TV but Al Roker fist bumped Abby and Hoda was blowing kisses to Voss. Super cool experience. We got bagels (so much cream cheese!) then walked through Central Park to see the prep for the parade, blowing up balloons and assembling floats. Neat-oh! The girls and I saw the Rockettes while the guys went to FAO Schwartz and the Nintendo store. Ellie said that was her favorite of the trip. It was an amazing show! I didn’t realize it was so much more than line dancing; camels, donkeys and fairies! We stopped at ChickFilA (Marly was thrilled) on the walk back to the hotel. Another early bedtime and then all of us up at 5am. We found a spot on the street by 6am. It rained THE. WHOLE. TIME. Phil did have to get in a fight with a guy who tried to push Marly out of the way to take our spot. That was rough. Phil found a hotel close where he could duck in for breaks, change Voss’ socks, get coffee and hot chocolate and thaw out. Ellie did go back to our hotel at one point to change shoes. Marly and I stuck it out the whole time! Unfortunately we were in a “silent zone” close enough to Macy’s to mess up the live broadcast so the bands had to stop playing and singers stop singing. The good part is that we still had plenty of action to see everyone primp before the camera. The parade finally got to us around 9:30 and ended around 11:30. It was surreal. I’m still pinching myself that we were so close! Yes, it was cold and wet but I loved it! I grew up watching the Macy’s Day parade on TV. It was so neat to actually be there in person seeing it up close. I’m still pinching myself that it actually happened. Tension was high when we finally got back to the hotel. We were exhausted. Hot showers for all, clothes hung to dry (that hotel hair dryer worked miracles for our shoes). We went across the street for a Thanksgiving dinner of hot ramen. It was perfect! We got in bed and watched Elf. Marly and Abby did a late McDonald’s run. It was a good day. I am so thankful! We slept in on Friday morning then got delicious bagels at a place around the corner. We took the subway to Battery Park and stamped our National Park passports a few times. The kids did the junior ranger program at Castle Clinton then we walked to Federal Hall for a stamp. By then it was time to board the ferry to take us to the Statue of Liberty. We climbed the stairs to the bottom of her feet then took our Christmas card photo. We got junior ranger packets for there then took the ferry to Ellis Island and got packets there, too. How amazing that America used to be such a welcome place. Sure there was discrimination back then, too but still a vibe of welcome. We had dinner at Mustang Harry’s, a guys night kina pub. Phil and I went out for a date night cocktail at the bar next door to our hotel. Saturday we slept in again. We found a French bistro for pastries then hit the public library and Time Square. I think it got even colder. Marly loved all the stores. Ellie and I divided and conquered and hit box offices trying to find last minute show tickets. I scored at Back to the Future and got $40 tickets! We had lunch at Carnegie’s deli (after waiting about an hour) then went to the show. It was cute! It was just based on the first movie. Interesting to see what they chose to take and leave. The older girls and I walked back. The younger kids and Phil took the subway. We beat them by 15min and ordered the pizza at our corner pizza place. Sunday we got up and went to mass at St. Patrick’s. It was so special to celebrate the first Sunday of Advent with the archbishop of NY. He gave a great homily about needs and wants, inspired by a convict he celebrated Mass with in a prison. We walked along the gorgeous upper east side, had lunch at Smash Burger then walked across Central Park again to the Natural History Museum. My friend, Nate hooked us up with locals tickets. So much taxidermy but I loved all the fossils! We took the subway back and had BBQ for dinner. Snuggled in bed for the rosary and Back to the Future marathon. This morning we slept in and back up, checked out and had egg sandwiches at a local corner store. We walked along the High Line. Phil and Marly went ice skating. It was just too cold for the rest of us. We hopped on the subway to the 9/11 Memorial. We stumbled upon an underground mall. Ah, this is what the locals do in the cold! We met Phil and Marly back at the hotel then took the train to the airport. It’s been an awesome week! Not perfect, there were some knock down drag outs and crabby attitudes…but still really good. We are now at JFK waiting to board our flight. What a wonderful way to kick off the holiday season!
Here are the pics of the week. Monday I got in for tennis clinic (although not with who I was playing with the next day) then listened to the rest of Rose Code while repainting the bottom trim in the house. Elizabeth did a marvelous job hosting book club, lots of conversations happening at the same time. Tuesday Maureen and I beat Palencia in enough time for me to make it to Voss' Thanksgiving lunch at school. I picked up Abby early from school for an ortho consult. She's getting braces in January and has until then to stop sucking her thumb. That night was a Friends of party for the middle school. We went out for pizza after across the street with a fun crew. Wednesday I went to HIIT class then had lunch with Steph. Marly went to her friend's play. Phil went with Ellie to her swim banquet. She got a Varsity letter. Voss had trombone. Abby had dance then youth group at CFA. Thursday Ellie drove herself to school. I had a PTSA meeting there (they always last so long) then snuck out for a MOPS meeting (after picking up a check from the book fair, yay!$$$$) then later back to pick up Ellie from school. I made a pot of chili and cornbread, perfect for the blustery weather we had at the end of the week. Friday we had a middle school PTSA meeting for breakfast then I did some hostess gift shopping, adoration, a run then visited my cousin who just had open heart surgery. Ellie and Marly babysat at the beach for a wedding on both Friday and Saturday night. Phil and I met up with the Hogans and Strassers and took JoHo's boat to the Oyster Roast. It's an awesome event benefiting the Riverkeeper. It was a COLD night, especially on the boat but we had a great time. Saturday morning we had a family breakfast and told the kids about their surprise Christmas gift (and my Birthday gift!) and then took down the Thanksgiving decorations and started decorating for Christmas! This is the earliest ever! I drove the angels to Nutcracker then Phil met me and swapped kids so I took the pages and sprites and the angels came home. SQ and I walked. That night Phil and I had dinner at the Napoleons, delicious sausage soup by the firepit. This morning we all served at mass then did CCD. We went to the Nixon's to celebrate Mark's Birthday with more oysters. Abby and Marly are at youth group. It just occurred to me that Voss' science project is due so we scrambled to the soccer field by sunset to do the ball curvature experiment. What a scamble! Here are the pics of the week.
Phil had a work trip in Orlando so I single mommed it for a few days and it was great. I got two great nights of sleep with no snoring, the kids and I were a well oiled machine. I drove carpool, Ellie drove herself to school then we zipped over to middle school. I did a barre class on Tuesday and a HIIT class on Wednesday and Friday. I volunteered at high school for kindness day. It was a great way to spend the afternoon. The school claims an ubuntu philosophy: "I am, because you are." Community being a major building block of society. How fitting. That night I went to a Friends of fundraiser for the elementary school. It was perfectly timed between dance, youth group and Ellie's babysitting gig. Thursday I volunteered all morning screening kids hearing for the health screening at middle school. Yay, I can hear (and see)! Phil came back after a great work trip, presenting his market to the others. Voss had a soccer party and we missed his last game but he played great, as usual. I hosted a soup swap with my farms pals. I spent all afternoon making a taco soup. Perfect timing as the weather finally got cooler! We stayed up too late catching up and sipping soup. I had a Nutcracker board meeting on Friday...getting closer! Then Phil and I left for the weekend to present talks at an Engaged Encounter weekend. Perfect timing. We were fighting on the way to Marywood and holding hands on the way back. We had a great group of 17 couples preparing for a sacramental marriage. Our dream team laughed so much and told great stories. The weather was perfect and one of our friends from church had a son get married there over the weekend, too. Love was in the air! We did a family soccer match that afternoon and won then cleaned up for a dinner at TCC. It was a nice family dinner catching up from the weekend. Marly had a babysitting gig. Ellie went to a Bridgerton themed 16th Birthday party. Abby and Marly had book club and of course Voss' last match. Here are the pics of the week.
Losing sucks. I was number 8 on the waitlist for clinic so I went to Joe's HIIT class and got my butt kicked instead. Quick WD run then Anna and I had a practice match with Julie and Lilia to practice for the member guest. We were up 4-0 then they warmed up and beat us 6-4 and then 6-3. Cub scouts and dance, oh my. I was so hopeful on Tuesday. We were calling it "nauseously optimistic". I went to a barre class, rocked my vote, drove around to look for people to drive to the polls then went to the local Democratic party office to do some phone banking. I had to do something productive. The day just got worse. I couldn't get the TV to work, Phil and the kids were annoying me. It just wasn't looking good. Way too much red. Everything I voted for lost except the school board remaining bipartisan (and just barely...why is that even on the ballot?!) I stayed up too late and woke up hoping it was all a nightmare. It is not. There will not be a first woman president because she was beat by a white, old man who has 34 felony counts, 1 conviction, 2 cases pending and 6 bankruptcies. But let's see America get great when he deports all the farm workers and taxes all international goods. So yeah, Wednesday was rough. The cherry on top was when I went to visit my pal, Carl and found out I have hip displasia. At least the pain I've been experiencing is legit. Now I just need to find a good time to have hip surgery. Steph and I split a bottle over a carby lunch in a dark booth to commiserate. Deep breaths. I got to hang with all my suburban, white, Republican tennis friends to kick off the member guest that evening. Sipping rose while watching the Bryan Brothers. Early bedtime for me. Thursday we had MomCo. A chiropractor tried to do some spiritual aligning. You know I was rolling my eyes. But we played some fun ice-breakers since we have many new moms and that is always fun. Anna and I played our first official match against Kim and Beth. We got 3 games in the first set and maybe one in the second. I thought we played well but couldn't find a way through. That loss turned into late night drinks and ahi tuna at Lillians. I loved catching up with Anna but Friday morning was rough. We played twice on Friday. The first one was close 4-6 and 4-6 and then the last one that night was even closer. We won the first set 6-4 then lost the second 3-6 and then lost the tie-breaker 7-10. So all this and then losing football teams and it was just crummy. I did enjoy playing with my ole pal, Anna and watching tennis and enjoying all the food and drinks. My sister was Phil's date for the Angels for Allison event on Friday night. That meant I could go to bed early after getting a beating all day...and my hip with no cartilage left. Saturday morning I took Ellie to dance then I went back to watch some tennis, have shrimp and grits, a bloody and a massage (losers brunch, they called it). Phil and I went to cheer Voss on his soccer match. Lots of players were out so he had to play the whole game and got an awesome penalty kick. Sad I didn't catch it on video. After getting uber and friends to help, the girls all made it to Nutcracker. Phil and I got there in time to pick Marly up and chaperone her Ranch Cotillion. Ear plugs were warranted. Boots were cute but I paid the price. Sunday morning, Ellie and I were last minute stand ins for lectoring. I picked her up from a sleepover and we made it just in time. Phil and I had a breakfast date at TCC, kids had so many donuts (thank you, Dolly!) I was suckered into a Town Center run. Marly WON a color bar party at Kendra Scott and got a free necklace. I broke out in a rash after trying on a sample at Sephora. Ellie ubered home from the movie theater. The rest of us went out for Mexican with the Strassers. Monday was Veterans Day. Kind of an odd day for us with no family veterans to honor (in town). I went to tennis clinic. Ellie babysat. Voss was grounded from technology for the weekend. Abby and Marly cleaned out their closets. Abby went to a Veterans Day party with her friend on base. The older girls and I went thrifting then they had dance. Voss played with friends in the forest then had Cub Scouts. Here are the pics from the week.