Oh wow, a full week of tennis. Lots of practice for the Steeg. After clinic on Monday, I took my parents to La Nap to do a belated Birthday party for my mom. Lots of great conversations about this transition in life. Afternoon of dance with perfect spring weather. On Tuesday Rachael and I won an easy match against Jax Golf, well Rachael had to carry me in the beginning. I tried to meet Phil for lunch but it didn't go well so I watched Bridgerton and had leftovers. I played a fun match with the ole Euchre gals. Abby went to Brooklyn's Birthday party (I love a good weekday afternoon party!) Wednesday I started listening to Violeta while pressure washing. It's taken me forever to figure out how to use Paul's pressure washer. Now that I figured it out, it's amazing. I've had to work around the rain, but it's good. An early release day so Vanessa, Rachael, Beth and I had to get in a quick match before pick up. Abby and Voss had dental cleanings. Afternoon dance and then Rachael, Tracy and I saw Anastasia. It was a good show. I'm on the fence about renewing tickets for next year. Phil is on my back about finances. It all seems to be raining down at once. Thursday I took a group back out to Jax Golf for our tennis match. Jennifer and I played great together to win the second line. I rushed back to meet Jess and Steph for a quick lunch then Vanessa and I went to warm up for our first match. Rain looming, the wind was crazy. We lost our first match against Vanessa and Katie. Still so much fun to be a part of this amazing tournament. We stayed for the happy hour. I left to pick up Marly from dance. Friday Ellie became a TEENAGER! She went home with Charlotte after school then came to cheer us on at the tennis tournament. We rode bikes to school. The weather had a chill but was so nice, a gorgeous tennis day! We lost our second match against Maureen and Perry but still having fun. Lots of friends came out to watch. Vanessa and I cheered for our husbands who won their first match that afternoon. Ellie and Charlotte ran back and forth between the Bentons and the club. We all stayed for dinner then Charlotte came over to spend the night. Saturday morning was chill. Marly made a Birthday pancake breakfast. She, Abby and I did a little Birthday shopping for Ellie. Phil and Vaughan gave Vanessa and I a good warm up then we went over to play our third match against Kerry and her friend, Theresa. That was our best match. We lost in the tie breaker 8-10. I dressed up as Elsa and Vanessa Ana. It was an adjustment playing in a cape, but so thrilling! We were lucky to get in because then the rain came. Suzanne came up to join us. We sat, drank and waited for the rain to stop. It finally cleared that evening. Phil and Vaughan were able to play an awesome match. We missed the party because we all stayed to watch. They were wiped out when they finally finished. We were home by 11! Ellie and friends went to the Rise Up concert. Blythe and Sam drove a group of new teens out for the concert. So cool! Marly spent the night at the Freeman's for Sophie's Birthday. Sunday, Phil left to warm up. I took the kids to religion class. I had to teach Phil's class. I made them unload all the groceries for the St. Vincent de Paul ministry food drive. I went back up to catch the end of Phil's match. They lost. We had lunch and watched more tennis. Then went to the Freemans for a bit of Sunday Funday/after party for Sophie. I was so happy to sit in the hot tub to soothe all my aches and pains. We all went to the Penance Service and then Little Ceasars pizza. Early bedtime for all! Here are the pics of the week.