The weather has been perfectly fall all week. Phil didn't have work on Monday because banks are still celebrating Columbus. I'm grateful to be in a school system who does not acknowledge a colonizer who sold people into slavery so the kids were back in school as usual. Abby was awarded student of the month at flag raising. And she is so responsible...getting Voss ready for school each morning; putting out their backpacks and bikes. She's so good. I went to the school board meeting on Monday night. Those are always so interesting. Sally and I played on Tuesday and won (ending my loosing streak), although it was an awkward ending with a late line call. I took my dad to the Middleburg VA clinic that afternoon to continue the journey of VA paperwork. I went to another HIIT class on Wednesday then forgot I had committed to an evangelization meeting and came in late. I learned about this interesting YouTube video on the body of Christ and started listening to Forming Intentional Disciples. We walked in the park and Marly made pork tenderloin for dinner. My parents came over for a midweek dinner. Thursday my match was rained out, which worked out great because I was able to exchange Marly's point shoes (hope these will finally be good) and shop for Homecoming snacks for middle school. That evening we skipped dance to meet UE & AS at the zoo for Spooktacular. It was so neat to catch up with cousins and check out the zoo as it had been a while. The scare zones were really good! The kids all had fun. CFA dinner after for the win. I went to adoration with my parents then a Nutcracker board meeting then right to the middle school for the homecoming dance. The littles, Phil and I watched the OG Ghostbusters and had deep dish pizza. I was wiped out and went right to bed (after a chapter of How to Sell a Haunted House). Ellie went to a football game (not her own school) then spent the night at Addison's. Saturday morning we took it easy. Marly and Abby went to Target. The boys and I went to Nutcracker. Phil and I had practiced a part of our dance, come to find out what we were practicing from youtube 3 years ago had been changed slightly and was throwing us off. Phil stepped on my foot and broke my shoe. It was that kind of rehearsal. The girls both had rides to their rehearsals and it was a good Saturday. We went to the pumpkin patch and picked out a huge pumpkin then went to dinner at TCC. The kids went to the Grove. Phil and I had a date. Later, we met the Hogans at a new brewery then one last drink at O'rSay. Sunday we were early for mass and got to bring up the gifts. I got two new students in my religion class discussing Divine providence. Abby and Voss had their first soccer game and practice. They lost 0-3 but both played well. It's a great activity for them both. We cooked steaks for dinner and watched the Goosebumps movie as a family. Today is a teacher planning day finishing off the first quarter. I'm scared to check grades. It's been a rocky adjustment for many. Here are the pics of the week.