It's one of those times when I look back on the week and wonder how I got all the things done. Amazed with myself. Monday started easy with sipping my coffee watching all the kids leave for school then tennis clinic then WD. I spent the afternoon listening to Christmas music and writing Christmas cards. I picked up Ellie from the library bus stop and scored an awesome pair of book socks for my swap gift. Kathleen and Sunny hosted a wonderful book club complete with a charcuterie uterus. We read the New Menopause and there were so many great conversations. I could have stayed all night but thinking we had a tennis match in the morning, I dipped. Turns out the courts were so wet from the night before the match was canceled. I was wondering how I would have had time to play anyway. I did a barre class and more card writing instead. The girls had gift swaps at dance and friends and all. the. teachers. At one point, I stayed up until midnight embroidering and then woke back up to do a few more before school in the morning. Whew! Wednesday was early release. I was at the middle school early for the general PTSA meeting, helped get the teacher cookie swap underway then went to high school for the Blue Ribbon celebration. Ellie and I did a thrifting run that afternoon then hosted my mom, brother and gf for steak and Caesar salad. Thursday I got up early and whipped up a chili then headed to high school for the teacher holiday luncheon soup swap, an all day affair. It made it all worth it when one of Ellie's teachers gushed about his embroidered handkerchiefs in the soup line. I made it to the Y2K Christmas MomCo party rocking my Britney Spears era. Friday was STEM day in the morning and class holiday parties in the afternoon for Voss. QT with him for sure. And then we had the neighborhood progressive party that evening; a perfect night for the luminaries. I hosted a taco bar with Grincharitas. Saturday morning Abby and I took Spot for a run (working on her speed for track try outs) then the girls and I went to Steph's mother daughter gingerbread party. After Voss had a super soccer sleepover with Chris, Phil took him golfing, really golf cart riding with the Strasser guys. We worked on drinking water between our wine with the ladies to prepare for the marathon partying ahead. Ellie and Marly went separate ways babysitting. Phil and I ubered with the Strassers to the Harmon's epic Viva Las Vegas Christmas party. We were met by Elvis and Flaminco dancers at the door! My body was sore from dancing, kudos to Sunny for outfitting me in style. Saved by the Strassers calling our uber home, it was SO MUCH FUN! Sunday morning the partying continued with Angela's My Favorite Things party. Of course Peter Attia was my gift. I came home with bracelets, lotions and lip gloss. Family soccer to work it all out. Addison joined us for the Sacred Heart Penance service and the 4th week of advent mass. Chipotle for dinner and then I truly crashed. What a week! Here are the pics.