Monday was Indigenous Peoples day but around here people are still talking about Columbus and I even heard of a golf tournament in his honor. Gross. My fab friend, Jenny took Voss to a corn maze with some guy pals. I went to tennis clinic and then Ellie had a city champs swim meet. I sat in the corner and read my book until it was time to watch her swim twice. We ended up all at CFA for a late dinner. Calling in favors to help Voss get to cub scouts and Marly get to dance. Hottie did some wolfing out. Marly had her weekly early morning for campaigners. Kerri and I took three sets to beat Huguenot but we finally pulled it out! I met Mr. French at my mom's to take a few things over to her. Still getting her situated over there. Voss had soccer, girls had dance. Just cruising through the week with all the things. I finished another Kristin Hannah book, Magic Hour. The Blue Angels were in town this week. I had a treat on Thursday after MOPS, sitting on the balcony with Spot watching the manatees and the blues on a gorgeous fall day. We celebrated Brittney's Birthday at Lillians on Thursday night. We had a Nutcracker board meeting, I learned about the storage room and how to sift through to find costumes. I worked a booth for Voss' class on Friday afternoon. It's odd only having one child's booth to work after running all over the place. We still had to dash from there to get Abby and her pal to the last ballroom dance class on time. Then back to the fall fest for more fun (Marly helped work booths for people who didn't show up). We ended up going back out to Don Eduardo's with the Hogans then to listen to a band at Lillians. Not too late this time. Saturday came early. The girls and I headed out for the Dreams Come True Trunk or Treat. Nutcracker had a trunk. I dropped them then came back in time for Voss' soccer game. They didn't pull out a win, but he played great with an awesome goal. I sifted through air show traffic to bring 7 dancers (none of mine) to Nutcracker. Suzanne and I got in a good walk and talk. I was home in time to take Ellie to homecoming. Voss had a paint ball Birthday sleepover. The middles hung with the neighbors. Phil and I ended up having a date night with the other hoco parents. We met the Strassers after at Casbah. Sunday we picked up all the kids from different places plus one extra and were just a few minutes late to mass. CCD then watching the Jags finally win! Phil took a crew to the church carnival. I took Marly shopping for her pumpkin painting party. I'm not even sure how this happened. I think Marly asked me and I said "maybe" and then she ended up with a party. She has really turned a corner this quarter. I'm not sure what it was. But she ended up with all A's, is the new editor and chief of the yearbook and I got a complimentary email from her math teacher. So a party is in order. She had friends over to paint pumpkins, go on a sunset boat ride and eat way too much candy. She is a happy girl. Here are the pics of the week.